Sleep and depression
After having many years with poor quality sleep I was handed a flyer for Bryony's Hypnotherapy services. I'd also suffered for fifteen plus years with depression. The best decision I've ever made was to book a session. I was sceptical at first about this as I thought I couldn't be hypnotised. She most definitely won't have you walking around doing chicken clucking sounds and acting like the farmyard animal.
You do have to commit to the process, for most it won't be an Elastoplast fix. I downloaded the audible app and listened to some books she recommended to help me understand how my own brain was sabotaging my thoughts and feelings and how I could train myself to react differently, I religiously listened to her hypnotherapy recording before going to sleep. I had a wobble two to three weeks in but I stayed with it and now I'm getting amazing sleep 5-6 nights a week. Bryony is so personable, calming, empathetic and supportive. Most importantly you can rely on her to be confidential with you and what you discuss.
I wouldn't hesitate in recommending her to anyone who has similar sleep issues, any feelings of loss of confidence and positivity, where negative thoughts or actions are having a detrimental effect on their lives.
You won't regret it. I promise you. Book a session. Commit to the process. Accept that it might take you a few sessions to notice and difference and look forward to a brighter more positive life. Thank you Bryony you have changed my life forever.
Bryony Way Hypnotherapy